Lincoln School Technology Club is comprised of fifth grade students experimenting with new technology by participating in global collaborative projects. Click on a tab below to explore our blog.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Kate and Miyumi's Holocaust Blog
Check out Kate and Miyumi's Holocaust Blog. The fifth grade reading students will be contributing projects to this blog- make sure to check back frequently for updates.
We will be working collaboratively with the Ein Ganim School in Petach Tivka, Israel on the Holocaust Project. Check out their website at
Lincoln's Fifth Grade Holocaust Web Page
Hannah's movie
Sample of Anna's Morph Movie- Anne Frank morphed into Anna K.
The Fifth Graders will be watching the movie Safe Haven: The Warsaw Zoo and creating projects about the Holocaust. Several students created movie tickets for the show.
Click here to view the movie Safe Haven: The Warsaw Zoo
Students will also be writing letters to the directors of Safe Haven- Richard and Gary Lester. Check out the film's website at
Hannah's Safe Haven admit one
Hannah's warsaw ghetto vs. warsaw zoo
Holocaust Wordle by Anna
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Oak Park District 97 is adopting an orphanage in Haiti
A group of Oak Park District 97 teachers led by Karen Tokarz, the Multicultural Education Department and community members led by former District 97 teacher, Gale Liebman, are part of a collaborative effort committed to supporting and rebuilding the Horizon de L'espoir Orphanage in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.
The orphanage was destroyed in the terrible earthquake earlier this year. Drs. Mildred Olivier and Serge Pierre-Louis, from Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Hospital in Chicago have been working with Horizon de L’espoir to address the immediate needs of the children and are raising money for temporary housing for the children until the facilities can be rebuilt once the ground is stable.
Our Oak Park Haitian Initiative is enlisting faculty from each of the 10 District 97 schools to help raise funds for these Haitian children over the course of the next two years.
As a kick off to our efforts, there will be station at the 30th Annual Ethnic Festival sponsored by the Multicultural Education Department on Saturday, May 1st at Whittier School, where we will be accepting donations of new and gently used toys and clothing; sealed over the counter medication; and school supplies (see the list below).
Helping Haiti is also helping kids!
Newspaper Article in the Oak Leaves
Supply list:
Television and cd player with dvd and cassetttes
Small table and chairs
blackboard and chalk
Coloring book and crayons
Plastic storage boxes
Play dough
Puzzles and games
Paper and scissors for arts and crafts
Story books and informative books
Flash cards
Plastic cups, plates and silverware
Monetary donations will also be accepted. Checks should be made payable to: AMHE Foundation.
Dr. Serge Pierre-Louis with some of the children
Dr Olivier is the Haitian woman on the right, the director is in the middle, and the nurse is on the left.
Horizon de L'espoir Orphanage
Monday, April 19, 2010
In Fifth Grade Tech club we are learning how to use Pencil- a cool flip book animation program. It is like the old fashioned flip books but using the computer. Students are working on creating animations about Spring for the GlobalDreamers website. Click here for directions on how to use Pencil.
Check back soon for our Pencil creations about Spring.
by Ava T.
Hannah's Pencil Movie
Friday, April 16, 2010
Lincoln Students Help the People of Haiti
From their research the students learned that... the people of Haiti live in extreme poverty and their housing situation is in a crisis. Natural disasters, including hurricanes, floods, droughts, and earthquakes have had serious effects on the housing situation as well. The poor live in tents or dilapidated shacks made of cardboard, plastic, tin, or whatever materials can be scavenged from the garbage. These structures barely provide protection against the elements and children frequently fall ill from the appalling conditions. A luxury for these people would be a cement house with solid walls, zinc-sheet roofs that don't leak, doors that lock, and floors that don't turn to mud every time it rains.
Lincoln Student Council Members and Global Virtual Classroom Students [GVC09-05] spent their lunchtime recess creating Haiti House pins. Students then sold these pins at various school functions and raised over $1,050.00 to donate to The American Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders. The students created and sold over 250 Haiti House pins to help those in need that were devastated by the earthquake.Click here to view photos of the creation process as well as the finished Haiti House pins.
Click here to read a newspaper article about our efforts.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Lincoln Arcade Games created in Scratch
Students in the Global Virtual Classroom (GVC) Project created original games using a program called Scratch. Under the direction of Mr. P (a Lincoln parent and Scratch enthusiast) students learned a programming language in which they created interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art.
As students create and share Scratch projects, they learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively.
Scratch Gallery of Games by Winston
Click on this link or the image below to see the student created arcade games.
GVC09-05 Project Finished!
After six months of hard work, the Global Virtual Classroom Project (GVC 09-05) Imaginary Island is finished. For this project we collaborated with schools from Taiwan and Florida. Please click on the link below or the image to the left to see our AWESOME website!
Harrison School Tech Club from Warsaw, Indiana
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Spring is in the air!
Project website
Hannah's Spring Movie
Paul G.'s Spring Project
Ava T.'s Fish and Flower
Patricia's Springtime Picture
New Tech Club Project
Hearts for Croiata Project
Link to
In the world of fairy tales of Ivana Brlic Mazuranic
Photos of Project
Hello, this is the new Lincoln 5th grade Tech Club. We have already started our first project, we are creating gingerbread hearts for the children in Croatia. Here is a description of our project.
This year’s theme is “Gingerbread Heart” inspired by Ivana’s story “Licitarsko srce”
(traditional gingerbread heart)
By giving a licitarsko srce (traditional gingerbread heart) to your loved ones, you pass
on the warmth and love.
Honey dough in the shape of a heart, bright red in colour is decorated by a rich
flourish of bright colours form the licitarsko srce (traditional gingerbread heart).
The tradition of making licitarsko srce (traditional gingerbread heart) dates back to
the 16th and 17th century when cakes were made with the aid of richly decorated
wooden moulds in numerous European monasteries.
From ancient times, the original intention of licitarsko srce (traditional gingerbread
heart) was in giving it as a gift to your loved ones, whereby loved ones were given
the warm and telling gift (licitarsko srce -licitar) on special occasions.
According to the tradition of giving licitarsko srce (traditional gingerbread heart),
which has been retained to the present day, express your love, attention and fancy
to those you love and respect most, for all values that make this world a better place
for everyone.
Here is an example of my gingerbread heart!
Paul and Alexi
Here is a link to our tech club web page.